Code generation bug scriptcase 9.4 018

We would like to go to a new php version, so we were happy when scriptcase came with its last version.
We restored our projects to this new scriptcase version, but scriptcase could not generate it.
It appeared that the compilers stopped working (hang/loop) for some of our applications and could not finish.
Then we found out that those applications using the macro
sc_ajax_message (“Message”, “Title”, “timeout=0”);
had a problem.

Then we tried to use this macro in an example project “sc_tickets_Generation”, added an ajax call to a grid (grid_customer_tickets).
After using the “sc_ajax_message” macro we were not able to generate the application anymore.
The compiler could not finish anymore and stopped after 5 minutes running.
The new version (018) did not solve the problem.

I too am struggling with Ajax Events on a grid. Could you share your example…I would be happy to confirm this as a bug or not. Is it an onlclick on a grid HTML image( button) ? I too had a a nightmare on compile errors after upgrading to 9.4. And still cannot get Ajax Events to work.

Edit - just tested that macro in My Ajax Event and yes, it completely crashes SC when you compile.

Mij example is very straightforward, we worked with ajax events in the previous ( <V 9.4 016) version) without a problem, when migratingg to the new scriptcase (php7.3) version on linux the generation process hangs. Simple create an ajax event on click for one of the grid fields and put in the sc-ajax-example: sc_ajax_message (“Message”, “Title”, “timeout=0”) .

I have the same problem and here is the answer of the support, for here I pay every year!

Staff – 16 minutes ago via Email

Do you have a backup of your projects sir?

If so, could you reinstall your ScriptCase? Maybe this was a problem with the installation.


This problem was already identified and reported to our developers for correction.

Oddly according to the Macros definitions … [TABLE=“cellpadding: 0, cellspacing: 0”]
[TD]sc_ajax_message(“Message”, “Title”, “Parameters”, “Parameters_Redir”)[/TD]
[TD]This macro allows the application to show customizable messages. It’s use is restricted to AJAX events of Form/Control applications.

					This macro is only available in applications with [B]AJAX support[/B]..............

					So the question may be when definitions say it is only available in from and control applications, why did it work before in a grid? In my case, the question is slightly different. What does work?!!! I mean anything. Does anyone have one line of code that works in an Ajax Event for a grid? I can't trigger a simple echo or console.log . I want to execute a simple line of javascript, also with a popup modal message on a grid. Is this something that used to work, and no longer does? Is this is case of my ignorance or an SC overall bug?[/TD]


According to the manuals on Macro use, sc_ajax_message(“Message”, “Title”, “Parameters”, “Parameters_Redir”) does not work on a grid. Not sure why it did before. Does anyone have a line of code that does work on a grid?