Code Generation hangs

I am not very experienced with Scriptcase, so it might be a simple problem.

I worked with it some time and had to stop project for half a year.
Now I tried to continue and first updated my scriptcase as requested to the newest version.
Then I opened my old project and tried to run it. It says generating source code and never finishes.
I still can work with the interface, open forms, look at all details … but generation never succeeds.
This is true for all my forms.
Database connection is fine, server is fine, I also restarted my server to be sure but no change.

Any idea ?
Thanks a lot.

Just a wild guess, go to expressedit and assign theme to all applications, then regenerate all.

Hello Albert,
​thanks for your help, but unfortunately it did not help :frowning:

If you create a new project does it work well then? If not, then try to re-install after creating a full binary backup (just in case) and application export and retry. If it does then create a new project and start copying your old applications into that, one by one and check to see which one fails.

I created a new application and made a database connection and a simple grid. Everything worked until the last “Continue”
then it stayed with an empty screen forever.
I feared the second part of the answer. As I told you I am doing this besides all my normal business so I will first have to look on
how to reinstall everything. - This might take some time -

One thing I have seen is, that in my diangosis the value for max_execution_time has two values (local = 0, master = 300).
I know that my php.ini has a value of 300, so where does the 0 come from ??