Columns button on Grid Toolbar, Some columns are dimmed, must be included

I have a grid with about 12 columns. I included a “Columns” button in my tool bar. When my user clicks it, the column option panels are shown, but most are dimmed (disabled) and must be included in the grid. Why is this happening? How can I make all the columns includable or excludable? Thanks in advance for any help you can provide.

Hello Boxer55, I have this exact same problem. Did you get a solution for it?

No. It is 7 years later and still no fix. I have long abandoned ScriptCase and I now use Lazarus with the Brook 5 component. You can build a web app that runs as fast as Nginx. You have to hand code the html pages, but that’s fairly easy, and way more flexible than ScriptCase (clicking billions of check boxes). Also, ScriptCase frequently garbages all your Javascript code bc the internal SQL in-memory db corrupts so you get to start your project over again (about 5 times until I gave up). ScriptCase is buggy and not fit for production products.

The issue of dimmed (disabled) column option panels likely occurs because the grid’s configuration or initialization is set to keep certain columns fixed or mandatory. To make all columns includable or excludable, ensure that the grid settings allow full customization. Check the grid’s configuration for properties like lockedColumns or mandatoryColumns and set them to false. Additionally, verify that the column option panel logic does not impose restrictions based on roles or permissions. By adjusting these settings, users should gain full control over column visibility.