Combobox with values from dependent table


I am currently creating a from application, which allows the user to enter addresses.
I the db table containing the addresses, I have a field containing the country code; like ‘DE’ for Germany, ‘F’ for France an so on.
Dependent to this country code I have table ‘country’ which maps the country code to the country name, i.e. ‘DE’->‘Germany’, ‘F’->‘France’.

When I setup the form application to insert new records in the address table, how can I then show the user a combobox which lets him select the countries not by the country code (which is actually stored in the address table) but by their names (stored in the ‘country’ table) ?

Thanks for your help,

Re: Combobox with values from dependent table

I found an article in the knowledge base that describes exactly that issue:

Best regards.