Common language please

I write this because trying to interact with the Scriptcase customer support is a hopeless attempt and this forum seems to be the only place where we can find assistance and answers.

It would be nice that everyone here would use English. In this way we will not lose valuable content. I’ve seen post in Spanish / Portuguese and German. I have nothing to say about these fantastic languages ​​but in this case I think it is important to be able to do research without worrying about the fact that some topic has already been discussed in German or Portuguese.
I understand that not everyone here have a fluent English (I’m the first one with this problem) but Google helps a lot in this case.

Thanks in any case.

Linguagem comum, por favor

Escrevo isto porque a tentar interagir com o Scriptcase suporte ao cliente ? uma tentativa desesperada e este f?rum parece ser o ?nico lugar onde voc? pode encontrar ajuda e respostas.

Seria bom que todos aqui usaria Ingl?s. Desta forma, voc? n?o vai perder um conte?do valioso. Eu vi posto em Espanhol / Portugu?s e Alem?o. Eu n?o tenho nada a dizer sobre essas linguagens fant?sticas, mas neste caso eu acho que ? importante ser capaz de fazer investiga??o sem se preocupar com o fato de que algum assunto j? foi discutido em Alem?o ou Portugu?s.
Eu entendo que nem todo mundo aqui tem um Ingl?s fluente (eu sou o primeiro com este problema) mas o Google ajuda muito neste caso.

Gra?as, em qualquer caso.

Gemeinsame Sprache bitte

Ich schreibe dies, weil versucht, mit dem Kunden-Support ScriptCase interagieren ist ein hoffnungsloser Versuch und dieses Forum scheint der einzige Ort, wo man Hilfe und Antworten zu finden sein kann.

Es w?re sch?n, dass jeder hier w?rde verwenden Englisch. Auf diese Weise werden Sie nicht verlieren wertvolle Inhalte. Ich habe Post in Spanisch / Portugiesisch und Deutsch gesehen. Ich habe nichts zu dieser fantastischen Sprachen sagen, aber in diesem Fall halte ich es f?r wichtig, dass die Forschung ohne sich Gedanken ?ber die Tatsache, dass einige Themen bereits in Deutsch oder Portugiesisch diskutiert worden zu tun.
Ich verstehe, dass nicht jeder hier ein flie?endes Englisch haben (Ich bin der erste mit diesem Problem), aber Google hilft viel in diesem Fall.

Danke auf jeden Fall.

Es w?re sch?n, dass jeder hier w?rde verwenden Englisch.[/QUOTE]

N? … Manchmal geht es in der eigenen Muttersprache einfach besser und die zus?tzlichen Rubriken hier st?ren auch nicht weiter.

Deswegens gibts es auch ein(e/em/en) separates Forum… Deutche Sprache is nicht einfach… One sentence and at least 10 failures :stuck_out_tongue:
Fortunately when I have to speak it, I just swallow the e/es/em/en/er etc.

From my point of view, a forum should be a place to find solutions to problems that others have faced or to discuss the problems of development that I think is our main activity.
My suggestion was to speed up the search without the risk of leaving out valuable information.
If there was an area of ​​the forum in Italian I’d be the happiest person in the world, but I realize that I could confront them only with those who speak my language.
I think English is easy to understand for almost all those who attend the world of IT.

In any case, it was just a suggestion;-)

Well there are two language based sections on this forum. In general I agree, nowadays most of us are able to communicate in English. But it’s not that obvious if you look at support of Scriptcase i.e. Most of the devs / support members are portuguese speaking and a lot of the bad experiences with support are caused by that. Point is that we Dutch are used to speak our foreign languages as Dutch isn’t the most common language spoken. But besides English, French, Portuguese/Spanish and perhaps German are big languages. People don’t have the need of talking outside of their world. Germans tend to speak English pretty well nowadays.

I am from Brazil.
I am a SC user for 1 year. Today my SC version is 7.01.0009.

I agree with all yours point of views.
Google translator is a great tool, but we have to pay attention with it. (Nail can be a part of the finger or a metallic piece).

My english is not so good as I guess. :stuck_out_tongue:
But one language only, will help everybody.

Best regards.