Common _lib directory for several projects.

As far as I understand Scriptcase uses _lib directory for common libraries, connection settings etc for each project.
I need a way to use a “single common library” for multiple projects.
To make it clear, I’d like a structure on my deployment server as following;


It will help me in 2 ways;

  • I’ll save space on the deployment server
  • I will have one place to store my connections, settings etc.

Thanks in advance…

Re: Common _lib directory for several projects.

Dont use the typical mode on deploying.

Use advanced mode and download from our site the Production environment.

_lib is necessary to run the applications of a project. Contains images, schemas, buttons, langs …

If you deploy using typical mode, a directory called prod will be deployd within the _lib. Prod is the responsible for the connections.

You can have only one Prod.

See more at manual -> Deployment -> Advanced Deployment

Re: Common _lib directory for several projects.

Sorry for the confusion with _lib / prod.
I still could not understand how I will use the same folder for multiple projects.
Is there any setting that refers to “location of library files” or alike ?
I have already read the documentation (and seen the tutorial), but couldn’t figure it out…


Re: Common _lib directory for several projects.

_lib always will go with the applications.

if you deploy using advanced mode, you’ll note that _lib will became very small.

you need to download the production environment and extract, for example, in a directory called scprod…
inside scprod will have :
prod(this is the libraryes itself)

to access the prod environment, just type in your browser: http:/ip/scprod/prod to create the connections.

On the advanced deploying, will have a step that will ask for the production environment, so you need to type: /scprod/prod


Re: Common _lib directory for several projects.

OK, I understand the _lib directory should be included with every project.

For the “prod” directory, can I use it outside the project ?
Like following;


Sorry if I’m asking the same thing, but I don’t want to include the “prod” folder “inside the project directory”
I must use it outside (in an upper directory) so that all of my projects will look at the same “prod” directory.

Thanks again…


Re: Common _lib directory for several projects.

exactly like this.

download the prod environment from our site and extract at /var/www

the zip already contains a folder. extract and see :slight_smile:

Re: Common _lib directory for several projects.

Thank you very much.
Finally I’ve understood the folder structure for the production environment.


If all of my projects are in the same domain it is OK.
If I’m using different domain names in the same server, I need to create separate “prod” directories for each domain root folder.
Is this true ?
