Completely frustrated with Scriptcase

7 months ago I was commissioned to do a project for an alarm installer and I decided to use Scriptcase, since I have been using it for 8 years.

The project uses part desktop and part mobile devices.

And this is where all the problems come, the time you gain developing applications with Scriptcase you lose trying to solve problems derived from the countless bugs it has.

  1. Form by steps.

It’s a disaster, the next button appears when there are no more pages.

If there are more than 3 pages, the steps do not fit well on the screen and the operation is not optimal.

It crashes from time to time.

  1. Master/Detail

I have several grids within the initial form using the master/detail option.

On desktop all the options work correctly, but in mobile format when deleting a record, it is impossible to return to the initial form, it ends up generating an invalid data error.

  1. Signature type fields

On desktop they work correctly, however on mobile they do not work well if they are inside tabs.

I reported this bug to Scriptcase 7 months ago.

I had to invest a lot of hours trying to change the normal use of the forms so that they do not generate this error.

Personally, I prefer that Scriptcase invest the time in having a stable platform and not in adding frills that no one uses.

if you managed to get everything to work by modifying the apps it means you had a design error. SC allows you to achieve many things but must be used rationally, automation cannot satisfy everyone. Optimizations towards mobile phones are complex in any case because they are different tools.

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Webapplications are webapplications. It should not matter which platform they are displayed on. Modern platforms offer that.

it’s not like that.
a mobile phone is not a PC, a tablet is not a PC. They have different memories, different screens and often use different browsers.
Sending a 100 MB screen to a PC is different than sending it to a mobile phone, not understanding this is stupid

If you need to design a multi-platform, consider that while creating your screen. Libraries like bootstrap take care of the layout on different platforms (mobility first). Of course, you should not put large grids on a mobile, but that is a matter of design principles. That doesn’t mean that it doesn’t work. But in SC you need to make separate applications per platform. I find that very old-school. Sorry for being stupid.

Rinolt, I’m not stupid
I have diferent grids / forms for pc and for Mobile
I have a good design for mobile and work’s fine but Scriptcase have bug’s on mobile

My design on mobile is good and functional, but the behavior on mobile is not correct due to Scriptcase bugs.

  1. The step form is not working correctly.
  2. Signature fields in tabs are not displayed
  3. In a form if you add a master/detail with a grid and link to a modal form, it does not work correctly

All these errors are not on PC.
It is not a design problem but a Scriptcase bugs

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