Configuration with Oracle V6

I installed the version of Scriptcase V6 for Windows, but does not work with Oracle (on V5 works great).
Most of my projects are on Oracle DB.

I modified the php.ini file, aggiungento voice:

[Dynamic Extensions]

extension = php_oci8.dll; Using Oracle 10gR2

I checked the location of the driver:

extension_dir = “C: Program Files NetMake v6 ZendServer lib phpext”

But there is no dll “php_oci8.dll”.

So the V6 version of the Windows installation is not complete …

My numerous projects with Oracle, I can not convert V6 ?

Help …



Re: Configuration with Oracle V6

no help?

Re: Configuration with Oracle V6

Someone can help me?


Re: Configuration with Oracle V6

Hi, i have the same problem. SC can not to connect to oracle. Help please.

Re: Configuration with Oracle V6

I’m having exactly the same problem with Firebird. No php_interbase.dll was included in the original install, if I put a copy of php_interbase.dll I got from the Firebird PHP group on Yahoo, SCv6/Zend refuses to load it, no matter what version.

NetMake… is anyone from your company looking at these posts? These have been sitting here for days. My development using SCv6 is totally stopped.

Re: Configuration with Oracle V6

I have same problem with oracle, any sugest?

I chat with support, they tell me uninstall SC, i did, but i got same problem.

I can see with the library php_oci.dll do no exist.

What can do i?

Re: Configuration with Oracle V6


I too had the same problem you faced (i.e., missing php_oci8.dll, meaning that the Scriptcase V6 download does not contain this file), went to this forum, read your postings, and saw no replies!

Anyway, I was able to successfully connect to Oracle by completing the following tasks:

  1. Install Oracle 10g
  2. Download Oracle Instance 10_2 from Oracle website and place its content in directory C:\oracle\instantclient_10_2
  3. Download and install ZendServer-CE-php-5.3.9-5.6.0-Windows_x86.exe (free from Zend website)
  4. Download and copy the content of into the C:\Program Files\Zend\Apache2\htdocs\scriptcase (if scriptcase directory does not exist, create it first)
    1. Environment variables
      Add: C:\oracle\instantclient_10_2 to Path variable
      Add: LD_LIBRARY_PATH=C:\oracle\instantclient_10_2
      Add: TNS_ADMIN=C:\oracle\ora10g
      Add: ORACLE_HOME=C:\oracle\ora10g
  5. The final step I did was to browse to http://localhost/scriptcase and follow the on-screen instructions

ZendServer-CE (Zend Server Community Edition) contains Apache, oci8 library, Zend Optimizer, etc. in short, it has everything necessary to run Scriptcase V6 and connect to Oracle.
