Configure ScriptCase V8.1 Installer for Linux 64 bits to connect to MSSQL

We bought the Enterprise version of ScriptCase to connect with MSSQL but we have had no luck until now.

I installed Scriptcase using the ScriptCase V8.1 installer for Linux 64 bits, in a Ubuntu 14.04 in an VPS in Linode, and I am trying to connect to MSSQL version 2012 in Azure.

I get "Connection Error: mssql_connect(): Unable to connect to server:

I have read that to connect to MSSQL I have to install TDS but since I am using the installer, the Apache, and PHP are inside the /opt/Netmake/V81/components directory and not in the regular Ubuntu directories.

Can some show me the correct procedure to install TDS version 8 and also how to configure ODBC to try to connect to MSSQL

Is it posible to do this or is better to reinstall Script Case with Ubuntu and LAMP environment?

i don’t work with MSSQL, never had to fight agains it, always found it working on my customer’s servers, but, just for clarification…TDS has nothing to do with SC. I mean, TDS(*) is an external and independent library to talk with MSSQL databases. Once you get it working, then SC can use it to connect to the database.

Maybe this article from Knowledge base can help you:

Thanks Giu

The problem is that in the installer it seems that the TDS is installed and there is a configuracion file in


and it seems that it is no paying attention to the TDS installed in the operating system.

Do I have to uninstall the version and reinstall the version that assumes that a LAMP Server is installed?

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