Confirm Button to update multiple records in DB

Dear Experts, I wanted to create New button called “Confirm” When I Click the button that I wanted to update “status” field as “confirmed” in DB. The Confirm button will be placed in Multiple Records Form where I wanted only the selected records to be updated as confirmed in status field in DB. Much appreciated if any one help me to achieve as mentioned. Thank you

Not sure if this will work for you but to be able to perform actions on selected rows you need a regular grid. Then create a button of type ‘run button’. That will generate a grid with checkboxes you can check. The runbutton has two events: onrecord and onfinish. In the onrecord you can set the phpcode necessary to update the status.

Hi Albert,

Thank you for your prompt response, truly appreciated. The way you have advised to perform is the best option achieve my issue.

Many Thanks,
