Connecting a grid to the detail page in php traditional.

Hi, I made ​​a page in php that link with user id and passes the user’s details in the code and print the records in the database.

E 'possible to create a grid and the record of the grid add a link for each record of the details to my page php?

Should be doable, but I’m not quite sure what you want to try. Are these all scriptcase modules or custom php? Could you explain a bit more in detail than the one sentence?

then I have a database of customers, each customer has a customer_id
I have a php page that sela call it this way:
www.nomesito / cliente.php? customer_id =
I will show details
if I make a grid with a list of customer records, how do I put a link on goni record that points to the page:
www.nomesito / cliente.php? customer_id =
passing as parameter customer_id

That is fairly hackable… Wherever I see my client number I could add another number (e.g. nr minus 1). If it isnt a number I’d do the guess job…

Yes I would encode/decode the url. SC 8 has a nice macro for that, perhaps it’s also available in 7.

Hello, are you referring to this instance of SC8?

Creating a dynamic link to another application depeding on the field valor {costumer_type} and opening it in a modal.
if ({costumer_type} == “F”) {
sc_link (costumer_type, type_f.php, product=[global_costumer]; Id={Id}," Personal Data “, “modal”, 500, 700);
sc_link (costumer_type, type_a.php, product=[global_costumer]; Id={Id},” Company Data ", “iframeR”);

Let me give you a practical example, I have a php form on a traditional record where I have a link that goes to my room details availability for calling them the same thing I would get it from a grid made ​​with SC8 pointing to the same page with php traditional a link like this:

check1.php? id = 3632 & language = en & startDate = ‘$ startDate + +’ & endDate = ‘+ $ endDate +’ & iframe = true

you can do it with SC8 ???