Connection error - PostgreSQL 8.4 *SOLVED*

My database was working fine for more than a year. Suddenly I started getting:

[b]Connection Error

Query failed: ERROR: unrecognized configuration parameter “bytea_output”[/b]

I’m using postgresql 8.4

please advise.

Re: Connection error - PostgreSQL 8.4


Were any change made on your database? Is the error happening on the development or production environment?

Bernhard Bernsmann

Re: Connection error - PostgreSQL 8.4

hi Bernard,

Apparently it is something to do with the new update (v6.0.025) - Fixed the problem with data type “bytea” in postgres version 9.1.

I did full uninstall and reinstalled v6.0.0.17 (luckely i have it) and all works fine.

I will stop updating until the issue is fixed.


Re: Connection error - PostgreSQL 8.4

Good Afternoon,

Dear nureactor,

The problem with postgres 8.4 connection was fixed.

You only need to upgrade your scriptcase update again.

File to be updated: prod/third/adodb/drivers/

Thanks to the contact

Re: Connection error - PostgreSQL 8.4 SOLVED

Many thanks to all.