Consultation on use of function sc_label

Hello someone can help me, I’m testing the software. I am using some functions but I do what I do.
aparesca want a label if the requirement of a select is empty.
This is the code I’m using, in an ajax event.
Am I doing something wrong? Someone I can spend an example?
Thank you very much
/* Macro sc_lookup */

sc_lookup(Telefono, “SELECT TelefonoPrincipal, concat(Apellido,’ ',Nombre) FROM personasgenerales WHERE (IdPersona = ‘{IdPersona}’)”);
/* Error en el lookup */
if (FALSE === {Telefono}) {
sc_error_message(“Se ha producido un error en el acceso a la base de datos.<BR>”);
elseif (empty({Telefono})) {
sc_label({NombreContactoLlamada})=“Nuevo Contacto”;
sc_error_message(“Valor esta en Blanco<BR>”);
else {

/* Incluye procesamiento de su rutina aqu? */
{TelefonoContactoLlamada} = {Telefono[0][0]};
{NombreContactoLlamada} = {Telefono[0][1]};


Re: Consultation on use of function sc_label

sc_label ({} NombreContactoLlamada) = “Nuevo Contacto”; // Llave mal Ubicada
sc_label ({NombreContactoLlamada}) = “Nuevo Contacto”; // Llave mal Ubicada

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