Re: container + user/apps control
Hi Emma!
I am developing too, and I figured this out this past Sunday. I worked on it a zillion complicated ways, then found by random chance the simple secret.
You can put a global variable in that default app field in the menu. What that does, it gives you teh power to change the value in a script, in any app.
So can have, for example, [glo_default_app] as a global variable, and set it to the “default” value in the app_Login or whatever else your login is called. So set it by the group the user is in, by the user, etc. You will need to make sure the group or user has the rights in the security to use the application you are sending them too of course.
You can also change it on the fly if needed. For instance, I have an incoming message system, and I make it the default app IF there is a new message coming in - so it is in the user’s face and can’t be as easily ignored. If you do that, remember to change the default app back to your normal default. So I actually keep two globals - they both start out with the same value (set at login) and one is put in the menu default app field. The other, for example, [glo_default_app_backup] never changes. I just use it to restore the value to the other.
Anyway Emma, I hope that helps you. I was so HAPPY when I realized it, as it makes SC even more powerful. BTW I think that every field in SC development environment is like that too, although I am not sure 100% are. Very cool!