
i’m working with normal installation from scriptcase V8 (Apache)
I have a lot of grids and forms to publish using FTP-Connection to my production server.

After some minutes I get the message :
Content-Encoding-Fehler and publising is broken

I think it’s a problem of timeout. If I publish in different smaller parts …eveything is working.

Are there some lines in php.ini or anywhere to change in SC to prevent such a timeout ??

Best regards
uwe Pfeiffer


in php.ini, increase your max_execution_time


In my INI this value is set to :
max_execution_time = 3600

This is not the problem… because the error appears after some minutes…


Hi, I don’t think it’s a time out problem.
Actually it could be caused by a lot of things (ftp/webserver/.htaccess/Umlaut codierung …).
Don’t you get any other information with it?

One thing that sometimes work is put display_errors=off into the php.ini


at one stage on my centos 6 server, i used to get this problem when deploying 600+ applications.
I increased the ram on the machine to 4 gb and now it works.

This error also comes up when the tmp & backup folder is full or has a lot of files. So try clean up the tmp folder.

Please clear SC tmp folder. Also, have you tried to deploy to your filesystem? Does the issue occurs?


I cleared the tmp folder… the error still remains…

uwe Pfeiffer


If you only deploy a few apps, does the issue happens?


No …
only on larger projects this error occurs…
small projects are working…

I now deploy bigger project in minor parts … this solution is not good, but it’s a solution that works

Best regards
Uwe Pfeiffer

You could check the ftp server logs, see what happens just before it breaks down. Also changing the ftp server to a better one helps…
And as far as I recall, the ftp transfer scriptcase uses is not passive, which is needed in some cases.