control app with explanations

i have this quick project in which i have a control application or form. the client wants some info to accompany this control/form.

for example:
The main page will have introductory info on why it is good to donate money and all necessary info about the organization.
Then at the bottom or left (which ever) there is a link that will take me to a scriptcase application that would allow logging in or something like that.

looks simple and should be but am new to SC & am not sure how to go about it. any suggestions would be welcome but please if u dont mind, be a little detailed

This intro page will include some pics too!

The most easy way is to create a control form as the initial form and apply the button on that to go to the next form. If you need a ‘cms’ approach with text and images you could consider using a cms or to create an admin page with tinyMCE on it where you can creater you main page the wysiwyg way. Then you should start with a traditional form and create a htmllabel form on it connected to the table containing your form data. It’s all fairly straight forward. It’s too far to describe all here in detail as there are a lot of movies showing you how to get started. I suggest that you describe what you want to do, start developing and then post your issues here. Create a table containing a clob for your text and images (the images need to be uploaded to a \images dir to be able to reference them from tinyMCE). Then a maintenance app with a field of type html editor, then create your page. Create a form with the field from this table, make it of type label so that html will be processed. Add a button and do a sc_redir to the next application.

what is tinyMCE?

What he is telling you to do. is to use somehting like joomla or to use this.

another simple aproach is to create your main page using any kind of html compatible editor(MS Word, Open Office, Microsoft Front Page) wich would allow you to create a good looking front page and then create the login application and the rest and just include it using iframes or something like that.


[QUOTE=kafecadm;35771]What he is telling you to do. is to use somehting like joomla or to use this.

another simple aproach is to create your main page using any kind of html compatible editor(MS Word, Open Office, Microsoft Front Page) wich would allow you to create a good looking front page and then create the login application and the rest and just include it using iframes or something like that.


More exactly Albert said to create a unique field as HTML AREA with WYSIWYG enabled (this activate tinymce, bundled with your sc apps), and from other app, show this field as label HTML Tom show the content, getting a cMS style of work.

Other way is to use blank app…there are a lot of ways to achieve this.