Hi, someone know wich is the best application for convert app SC to mobil?
There is no easy “conversion” i believe.
What we did was to use the backend mysql database used by scriptcase and created a mobile version using sencha touch. You can create blank applications for sencha touch json calls.
When we logon in sencha touch mobile, we use the same logon/password used in scriptcase so the integration is kind of seemless
Can you explain that?
Sound good, wich is the way for do it?
Sencha touch uses json backend services; you can use php/.net/rails for backend to talk to sencha touch; so you can create blank php application to serve json request and call these application like sencha_xxx in your scriptcase; this will make your application development using single scriptcase interface and you have access to sc macros.
We use Sencha architect to design mobile front end for sencha touch
Sencha architect http://www.sencha.com/products/architect
php -> json http://www.getsolved.com/web/php/how-to-output-json-using-php/
I treied Sencha Architect and I wasn’t happy. It is not ready. Perhaps next big release will be better. Yes you can use it but it is still not a full RAD WYSIWYG tool as they advertise.