Create flexible layout in SC8 form

I want to create a form in SC8 looks like this (see attachment file). Is it possible ? Is there manual/clue that I can read for this trick ?

Form Layout.PNG


what is the so flexible that you want to do!? normal grid with 100 percent table will do that, or a form from type multiple records, or grid view… trick is make it 100% and it will layout the way you show in your picture

or i didn’t understand what you want :stuck_out_tongue:

[QUOTE=ali.dewanto;36767]I want to create a form in SC8 looks like this (see attachment file). Is it possible ? Is there manual/clue that I can read for this trick ?


Your desirable layout is quite simple actually, some tinkering in scriptcases’s css editor might do you the work.
Some search at google will propably put you on the right track, in case you have no knowledge of CSS language.

Then you just need to go to main menu > Layout > CSS Applications.
Look for the theme you’re using or copy your theme.
Advanced mode

Look for grid and start tinkering.

nice description Cavadinha, I used dictionary to understand what you mean lool :smiley:

Is it good or is it bad? hahaha.
You must know that portuguese is our native language :stuck_out_tongue:

Oh yeah, I learnt a lot of it from your codes, sometimes if get error, as the original language is Poruguese, I used dictionory to understand any hint that I can get lool

SC is great, good job, but can be much better, yet a lot to do guys so keep good stuff coming.


I want to create master detail link, with total below. Every time, user input debet &/ credit, it will be summed and total debet vs total credit must be same. I can not make it with SC8 FORM not GRID.

yes, that is also doable ali. many videos are there and also many topics in the forums explains more