Create folder for saving attachments

Hello, I have consulted on this subject but now I ask if I can guide the following concerns:

I want to create a folder where attachments are saved and that only the filename and path is stored in the database. As what I have to do?

In advance thank you very much.

PS: I saw in the help documentation but I’m not clear.

Help !!

in every application you will find an option “Documents Directory” if you leave it blank you will use the default, but if you set a name all the files saved in the form will be created in such directory.


in my application there is no “Document Directory” option, what should I do?

In the form go to (Application => Settings)

or for the default value go to (Settings => System Folders) in the scriptcase application. OR in field of the form

I have followed as above but I get an error like this, what should I do?

I have set the directory, but it is still saved directly to the data base, how do I save it to the local directory?

How to set the file name and file length (size) automatically when uploading a file or image, what should I do?