hi all,
i need create add user for application (default from scriptcase is one by one)
use application blank (i hope is true) and control
Application : CONTROL,
just send name and application type
$nama_user = sc_sql_injection({nama_user});
$hak_akses = sc_sql_injection(({hak_akses}));
sc_redir (security_user_group);
for Application blank :
$sql = “update p set
p.priv_access = ‘Y’
,p.priv_insert = ‘Y’
,p.priv_delete = ‘Y’
,p.priv_update = ‘Y’
,p.priv_export = ‘Y’
,p.priv_print = ‘Y’
from [Dashboard].[dbo].[master_users_apps] p
inner join [Dashboard].[dbo].[master_apps] pg on p.app_name = pg.app_name
where pg.description= [hak_akses] and p.login=[nama_user]”;
sc_lookup(rs, $sql);
question :
why, database not change
whether this is correct way? Why does not database change