Creating an External Javascript Module in version 7.1


I need to create an external javascript module in version 7.1 in a control or possibly a blank application. Below are a couple of videos that relate, however neither addresses this specifically. In v8.1 there are lots of macros and such for javascript. However there are much fewer in v7.1 and most all are red bullets in control applications.

Can anyone provide an example or instructions for adding an External Javascript Module in v7.1 where javascript is actually done?

Thank you in advance.

in this video
she is adding a new JavaScript function, but in ScriptCase 7.1 that option is missing.

The video you point is for SC v7.1

If you want to import a JS, you just can close PHP tags, import, and open again.

For example, this comes from a blank I have developed importing some JS inside new “External Libraries” functionality of 8.1

    <script src="<?php echo sc_url_library('prj', 'libkogest', 'footable/footable.js'); ?>" type="text/javascript"></script>

sc_url_library() will not work for you on v7 but you can get the idea.