Currency Symbol Does not Display

I have an app that grabs a number to display as currency. Field type is set to currency data type , currency symbol is set on and currency symbol is $.

But no symbol appears.

It was working last week.

What other settings could influence this?

Is it me or did SC break on this one?

Re: Currency Symbol Does not Display

Did you check in Regional Settings? See the language that your project is, and see in main menu Tools->Locales->Regional Settings
check if the symbol is ok.

Re: Currency Symbol Does not Display

Project is set to correct regional setting.

Regional setting is correctly configured to show $ symbol in currency fields.

Some clarification please…
In the field definition screen there are fours settings that would have some effect on this.
Regional settings yes/no
Digit grouping yes/no
Currency symbol usage yes/no
Currency symbol

If regional setting is yes, why would there be any need to set the other fields? Using the regional setting determines the format for the other three. If the other fields are set to yes anyway and currency symbol as $ , the result is no currency symbol is displayed - an unexpected result.

If regional setting is yes and the others set to no and currency symbol is blank, no currency symbol is displayed - as expected.

If regional settings is no and the other fields are set to yes and currency symbol as $ , the result is no currency symbol is displayed - another unexpected result.

Data type in this field is “Currency” and SQL type is “Number”.

SC is making a simple matter quite a tedious process.