custom calendar implementation

I have an application than shows a 12 month calendar , some dates in red, blue or black according values in a table,
ex, if a date exist in table 1 I paint that date in blue
if a date exist in table 2 I paint that date in red.

I want to use scriptcase because it solves 99% of my backoffice, but I am not sure haw to implement this calendar configured by myself. I paint using normal html tags like table, td etc…

I don’t know how I can put this calendar in the form ( I am using a control form),

Any help would be highly appreciate,

Best regards

Re: custom calendar implementation

Do you want to inject that you already have into an SC form (use a wrapper), or do you want to know how to perform this in SC?


Re: custom calendar implementation

Thank you very much for your interest Scott,

Currently the calendar works, fine so I would like how to put inside SC,
In other words, the window have 2 parts:

first part with:
inititial date
Final date
ok button

When I click on OK button there is a loop which inserts several records in one table (the difference between initial and finalAfter that I have to print a new calendar in the second part of the window (12 moths), with a date in red if exists in this table I have just inserted.

now I am using a calendar made by me with tables, but wanted to integrate it in SC.

I was thinking in 2 containers, fisrt container with a control aplication doing the loop, and a second container that paints the calendar, but I have know how I can synchronize it,

Many thanks