One of the reasons I’ve decided to use ScriptCase is the easy way to manage my database. But after working with ScriptCase, I’ve found that the ability to manage ‘Charts’ is so limited in comparison to the fledge of options with ‘Grids’.
I simply need to plot datalog information but I don’t know how to it with ScriptCase. I’ve do an application that ‘Search’ all desired data and shows in a ‘Grid’, but I can’t render them in a ‘Chart’, the chart options of ScriptCase are not designed to this. I have date and time based data values to plot in a line chart. The only “complication” is that I have many series, i.e., another fields determines that the data correspond to an another series of data. For example, I have temperature an humidity data of many stations and I want to plot all previously ‘filtered’ to one chart for comparison between them in the same range (or different) of time. So, each sensor data in a station is a series. If I have two stations with temperature and humidity, I have four series: two (temp/hum) from each of the two stations.
Externally this is so simple to do with a javascript chart, but I want to do inside ScriptCase using the internal chart system, or if not possible, integrate my own external chart library but use a ‘Search’ (or grid) application to filter the data.
Thanks in advance.