Hi Guys,
When modifying the default template for toolbar layouts, scriptcase will no longer recognize the groups in applications generated from this template. The application will still show the group properly in the toolbar configuration, but will not display the group when generating the application. Instead, the grouped elements are shown directly.
Changing the toolbar once in the editor (e.g.: removing an element from the group and returning it to the group) will return the application toolbar to full functionality.
This is a onetime issue per application, so it’s only an irritation, but still, it doesn’t need to be, does it?
Conditions this bug was observed under:
- Editing Browser: Firefox Developer Edition 46.0a2
- Hosting System: Ubuntu x64 (Latest LTS release)
- WebServer: Apache (Unknown release)
- PHP: 5.6 (Unknown subversion)
- SC: 8.1
- Application: Grid (May apply to other applications)