Custom fields in Sec_User table (and app_grid_sec_users) not showing up in form

Hi All,
I recently had to recreate the security module for our project. This recreates the sec_users table, but my predecessor had added several fields to the sec_users table. After recreating the security tables (using the same names), I modified the sec_users table to add the custom fields and repopulated the table with all of our users including the custom fields. In the grid - app_grid_sec_users I modified the SQL to bring in the additional custom fields. They all display ok in the grid. Next I went to the linked form - app_form_edit_users and I don’t know how to get the form to display the custom fields from the grid?

I tried to restore the previous versions of this grid and form, but they don’t show the use of our custom forms (even though they are from prior to my being hired). Also, they did not use a data dictionary previously.

Open the form, then Application → Syncronize table

Thanks, Vincenso!! That worked!

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