customise the lanugage and theme bar

Hi guys, cant seem to find a way to customize the language and theme drop menus which appear when on, keeps adding a horrid gray bar to the theme and I cant seem to change it. have tried in css and nothing, any ideas where I can do this?
think I posted this alrdy but cant seem to find it…

thx in advance

To customize the language you need to create a data dictionary first. Then you can add a language drop down, i.e. in your login screen. You can set theme info and language info on each screen, but it appears at the top line above your application. I realy don’t like that.

ok agree is what I said, so back to my question :slight_smile: how do I style or modify that bar and those drop menus?
because they really are disrupting my design.

I think, You have to make a data dictionary for it. That is very easy to customize it.

have a data dictionary, is already in 3 languages. I want to style those drop menus, add radius and padding so they look the same as all other drop menus, and then also change the background color that is applied to that bar…