Hi. It would be great if SC permitted us developers to do some customization to the production environment GUI that boots when you first deploy an project.
What I mean is, I would at a minimum like to brand the thing with my own logo and name/info. My thinking here is that I could provide a zipped up deployment to a client, and when they did the install or later change to the DB settings, it would match the look of my company, etc. Simple config settings , like logo and totle, contact info, etc, could be stored at the project level in SC. Then when deployed, those would be generated into the production code.
Also, along those lines. The info.php and the diagnosis.php files that are automatically deployed as part of the deployment - in the /_lib folder - I think those should be something we , as developers, have direct control over, if they deploy or not. They just go with every SC deployment now, and I do not like giving hackers any insight into what my settings are in SC or the server. Seems like a simple option on deploy…
Also, the production environment. Perhaps a hook or event(s) could fire that we could have access to… maybe one at login to production environment, one that could be trigger by the user inside that environment? Would be nice to allow us developers to make SQL tables in the DB, etc.
Anyway, I think these are doable ideas. If you need any further info from me on this, I would be happy to discuss.