Data In Session shows wrong Vars

this variable does not exist !



It’s a session variable. Saved there by SC for some reason (maybe for internal use, backward compatibility, and so on…). If you want to access this variable you have to use standard PHP $_SESSION superglobal. It’s not a bug. I move outside.


Arthur, If you explore deeper you will find that SC abuse of SESSION context XD. But it is pretty normal application like SC

I feel like a molester now.

Sorry @Cavadinha , I think that my words were missunderstood!
edited by mistake

Don’t worry, I was trying to make a joke. Guess I suck at it xD

Dear NetMake guys. Let my put something simply. The help can be divided (at least) into to levels of importance.

  1. General help, text etc. IF there is a language problem (and there are tons of them) - it is irritating because it was already said number of times that fixing those problems is just a matter of outsourcing - BUT SOMEHOW WE CAN LIVE WITH THAT (although wasting time and asking the same questions to each other again and again).
  2. Language syntax / Macros / Variables etc. - which is CRUCIAL for development. Any errors, misspellings, typos etc. will cause the user / programmer pay a “time price”. If one spends several hours or days tracing some problem then discovers that the problem lied in lazy NetMake HELP DEVELOPER who did not pay enough attention to details (i.e missed a comma or mixed a comma with semicolon, missed a bracket or reversed order of strings) then this developer will be extremely PISSED OFF!

We use SC to save development time. All things that SC does can be done by hand coding, though no one wants to do this because the end customer does not care if we used SC or Notepadd to deliver the App. If I save a month by speeding up development with SC, but then loose 3 weeks digging in issues, problems or bugs I’m not gaining anything ! ! !
That is why updating you MACRO help and making it perfect is the most important part of the HELP system and documentation.
You know you have macros, variables etc. which are not even documented at all ! so not have the HELP GUYS go back to work and fix all the issues with the help. This same thing applies to examples. All your sample Apps need to be revised and tested step by step. If new user tries some sample app following your steps and something is not working as described (or docs are outdated) and cannot get through the sample to make it work you made first step to loose another customer.

OK, so can anybody read the value of this varivale (the one highlighted) ?

Those variables are accessible through the $_SESSION array, and each column is a “level” (index) in $_SESSION. Take this print screen as an example:


In this case, to get the value of “ctrl_tracking_tickets” (4), you would have to do this:

$value = $_SESSION["scriptcase"]["SC_app_names"]["sc_tickets"]["ctrl_tracking_tickets"];
echo $value;


Thank Mamede - this makes more sense now. I do some testing to see how it works.