I need to be able to change database:
Login, and a user’s company ID is pulled from database A. The company ID is used to access database B. There are only two schemas in use: admin and users. The user schemas are complicated and large (millions of records in some tables). The reasons for doing db/user are irrelevant - I and many others need to do it.
Best Reason: Creating 10,000 connections for 10,000 users, and redeploying just to add a user, is 10,000 volts of crazy. :rolleyes:
So, on ScriptCase 7.1, how can I: A) create a new connection at runtime, or B) change the database value of one pre-existing connection?
I don’t care if the answer is unsupported by NetMake. I know what that implies.
There should be a macro for this. It is common practice in large-scale systems.