Date Field Does Not Export to XLS as Configured

  1. I have a Grid with a couple of Date Field Displays and all display as configured in the ddmmyyyy format.

If the user tries to Export to a XLS, CSV or XML, the date in only one column appears in the mmyyyy no matter what format is configured but Exporting to a DOC appears in the ddmmyyyy format as required.

I have tried many variations of the “Values Format” under the Fields attributes and at present have it set for Regional Settings = “Yes” and Display = ddmmyyyy.


  1. I would really like to have the date exported to XLS/XLSX as a true date rather than text. Is this possible?

Thanks in Advance - Ken


Issue reported to our bugs team.

Bernhard Bernsmann

I’m having a similar issue. Only the year is exporting to the spreadsheet. Bug was reported on May 19. Any update on a fix yet?

Sorry Netmake but I’m not going to let this one go.

I switched an entire site from KoolpHp to Scriptcase based on advertised features and have poured many more development hours into this project than I had anticipated.

My client NEEDS to export values from grids which include dates and having the days drop in the export to xls, csv or XML when the appear correct on screen or in the PDF, word or rtf formats cannot be that difficult for you guys to resolve.

It appears to me, after reading many hundreds of posts, that many bugs simply get “reported to the bugs team” but the resolution from the reporting appears to simply be “if the bugs team waits long enough without a response then they don’t feel the need to respond”.

I am not going to tell you how to run your company but I believe you do have a great product. When you market it, you must support it and it’s users.

I can promise you that I won’t let this one request be forgotten.

Please help me - Ken

Hello Ken,

I will review the issue with our bugs team

Bernhard Bernsmann

Thank-you Bernhard. I am anxiously awaiting a response.

I totally agree with kholiday, many things i am searching for them (mostly small stuff) then reaching to this bugs form and see bartho usual reply “reported to bugs team”

but we don’t get any update soon!

really sc is great, it has everything that low to medium experts can do easily, but, with this support and follow up will drop-down the popularity, specially if someone reads this bugs section first!


Unfortunately this is true. I’ve read somewhere that SC was considering an English language Mantis, but my last contact with SC was not able to verify. It would help a lot if users could see which errors are reported, and what there (fix) status is. It will prevent double posts of issues and would be a major advantage to all. Although I see a lot of things being improved, it’s not going fast enough imho.

mantis, i like that albert, how you summarize your thoughts this way!? i used to write long to explain what i want to say :slight_smile:

Hi Bernhard,

It has now been one month since I asked NetMake for help on this very important issue.

To date, I have not recieved a request for more information or what the Bug Team thinks.

Can I please have an update. - Ken

Hi Netmake,

We are now just shy of 2 months on this issue.

Please tell me you’ve got this bug solved and you are ready to share the love with the rest of the SC users world.

[QUOTE=kholliday;24995]Hi Netmake,

We are now just shy of 2 months on this issue.

Please tell me you’ve got this bug solved and you are ready to share the love with the rest of the SC users world.[/QUOTE]

Netmake dont answer questions on forums. Best is to contact support an ask for this issue

If there’s a bug you can use support as a trial user. I hate that, but it’s something that Bartho refers to. I still hope that SC will open an English Mantis for bugtracking or Jiraa or any open bugtracker. And I think that they should answer questions here too. Sometimes John Lennon does, but I haven’t seen him here for a long time, most likely because everybody is allocated to and busy with SC 8…


I will contact our bugs team asking the current bug status.

Bernhard Bernsmann

Wait a minute, I really don’t think that there is a bugs team. Is this possible?

they are busy with v8

v8 also appears to have the same Issues with date field sorting as I originally reported back on 05-17-2014.

Is this going to soon be taken care of?

Apparently not, Ken. My client(s) are also wishing to see dates formatted mm/dd/yyyy on their spreadsheets. I’m not sure what to do about this now.

Any chance that someone has looked into this? I’m still having an issue with grids displaying a date column in a mm/dd/yyyy format but exporting to Excel as only the yyyy. This really needs to be looked and fixed. SC 8 has been out for while now. Certainly someone can be spared to look at this and fix? Come on, SC…

poor rjjacob, bartho already replied this thread, they have nothing more to do.