Date fields acting strange!

I’ve used the date fields before in SC8, and they’ve worked fine.

I’m following the same pattern and format as i normally do. However it seems my date fields are saving backwards in the database. e.g

dd/mm/yyyy is how it should save, but it’s actually saving like yyyy/mm/dd.

Grids are showing dates fine, the problem lies when i open the form to edit the record. The dates then become like this:

Where original was 25/11/2014, the result i get is this 14/20/2511

It’s strange, am i doing something wrong?

I reported this issue. but i am waiting It be fixed.


Issue reported to our bugs team.

Bernhard Bernsmann


So changing the edit form date format to yyyy/mm/dd displays the date correctly but in the wrong format. This also effects the calendar, Events are not showing in calendar but they are in the database.

Further Update:

It seems this problems occurs when creating a copy of a form! Recreating a new form fixes this issue, not good because the copy function saves soo much work. Guess my bad, should have checked fields were displaying right before completing the copy.

In my case i did n?t a copy. I migrated of sc7. Maybe SC8 makes a copy internally.

New Update:

This problem with dates also occurs when i add an multi-upload field to the form!

Removing the Multi-upload field seems to rectify whatever went wrong with the dates.

For now i will create separate forms to upload files, to try and avoid the issue.

Edit: Okay i believed the problem occurred during coping an application, but it seems that file upload fields are causing my issues with dates.

Hiding the date field in form update mode, will allow to upload files through upload field without the dates being changed.

The Calendar has a couple problems, which may be related:

  • The calendar can change a field value in update or insert mode, even when the field has been locked from editing

  • When an upload field has been added to a form that has a date field, the date field seems to pull the date out of the database sort of backwards.
    Original: dd/mm/yyyy
    After: yy/yy/ddmm

So 26/11/2014

Somehow becomes


Final Update:

Upload fields are the problem here for me, adding an upload field to a form changes all dates that were pulled from database.

Iv’e gone through all my apps in SC8, removed upload fields.

All works good now, so created separate form for uploading. Which is probably better, as now i have 1 single upload form for all my apps, so problem come out with a solution that better suits the project anyway. :smiley:

This is still a bug though, so needs looking into.

I’m curious to find out if other people have had the same problem with date fields vs upload fields in the same form?

I wonder if this problem is common or uncommon, maybe something to do with bad install or update not gone through properly, something my end or same for all?


Yes, my form has a field for multi-uploads. I think that is the problem. further i reported other bug with multiupload: if the primary key the form have format then the multi-upload creates a sql not properly formatted. and show an error.