I have an MSSQL table that includes a datetime field that is output to Scriptcase. The information contained is from the last 14 days and is very simple, the query is sorted by date and outputs correctly in the detail grid starting at the oldest date first.
I then create a Group under “Group By” with the “YYYYMMDD” rule.When I output the result as a summary or as a chart the date order then becomes incorrect, for example at the moment it is showing 1/05 onward to today and then continuing from 22/04 where it should be starting from 22/04 onward. I extended the date range to test this and it shows 1/04, 1/05, 2/04, 2/05 etc as the order so I am assuming it is ordering by the day only and not including the month.
This is occurring on more than one grid, anywhere I am summarising data the date order is incorrect. I’m hoping this is a very simple issue and I’ve just missed an option somewhere that someone can point me to. I’ve checked the forums and Scriptcase help but have not been able to find a solution.