I would like to stock the day date in a field of a record.
But how can i get this date?
And when do i put it : {date_MAJ}= ???
Best regards,
I would like to stock the day date in a field of a record.
But how can i get this date?
And when do i put it : {date_MAJ}= ???
Best regards,
{date_MAJ} = date();
Hello Reinhard,
It’s OK, i used a bad format at beggining.
Best regards,
Hello Reinhard,
In fact I have this error message when i valide the transaction:
date() expects at least 1 parameter, 0 given
But the field is recorded with the date of the day…
Best regards,
Yes, the date syntax require a format. See: http://php.net/manual/en/function.date.php
But you can easily set de date to today. If you need to display, then set the default value of that field to systemdate. IF you need to apply at update/insert time you can do that in the edit-fields (left menu). You don’t need php/events for this.