Deactivating automatic alert message

I run sriptcase v9.6, language of project is German.

For deleting records I have set up an sweet alert message with options yes or no.

Running the script there is an automatic message in funny German: “Moechten Sie den Datensatz wirklich loeschen??” which I have not defined, only allowing a yes button.
Only afterward my sweet alert appears, but only with a yes button.

How can this automatic alert be deactivated?

You need to deactivate or hide the delete button and create your own button

Thank You for the two answers to my posts. I’ll try them.

I have been trying to find a macro that will allow me to generate a pop up that accepts yes or no.

Have you found one?

PopUp mit Ja/Nein-Auswahl für Scriptcase jBox - ASDW - Projekt