DEAR NET MAKE - please fix this IDE bug

Sorting shows up as ASCENDING in the header, but the list is not sorted right !



[QUOTE=aka;23120]Sorting shows up as ASCENDING in the header, but the list is not sorted right !


It’s sorting ok. Problem is E (capital letter). First go lowercase order, latter capital. Change ‘E’ for ‘e’ and you will see “correct” order.



Not sure if this is a bug, but I will discuss the issue with our bugs team.

Bernhard Bernsmann

are you suggesting the A-Z sorting is DESCENDING ?
just look at the list - it is obvious

[QUOTE=aka;23163]are you suggesting the A-Z sorting is DESCENDING ?
just look at the list - it is obvious[/QUOTE]

No sorry, I didn’t noticed “g” before “f”, jus saw “E”