Dear netmake - how long would it take to fix this ?

I reported this problem when I bought SC (and it was v5), so it is over 3 years. So far it hasn’t been fixed and it is extremely anoying!
I remember the moderator of this forum stated it was reported to the BugFixing Team !

Dear NETMAKE - please take care of that or pay me for doing things manually which I should not be doing.

Here is the problem:

1 .Create an App with any type of SELECT field.
2. Goto the database, change the structure (ie. size of that field)
3. Open a DICTIONARY, run update (from dB to Dictionary, then from Dictionary to the App)
4. Go back to your App.

wow,… al settings for your selection field are gone !
IF I have a table with 30 Selection fields they would be gone as well, and I have to change each one manually.
When I have made a changes to several tables… it would take me a whole day to check/bring back the selection field to the right state !!!
This has happen to me several times and it simply drives me nuts !!!



Have you tried the following?

  • when you sync your application before syncing: uncheck all checkboxes and then check label?

Then execute.

When I used CLARION I’ve had a simple checkbox (Freeze). When checked the dictionary changes have fad no effect on that field. Something like this is needed in SC.
No I haven’t trieid you suggestion yet but I suspect this will not update what’s needed. For example if I changed the column size from CHR(10) to CHR(20) and the fields is SELECT type, when I run sync I will either loose the SELECT type or will not update the column size.



I will verify the issue with our bugs team.

Bernhard Bernsmann