Decision tables implementation in SC

I made a solution to integrated sophisticated decision tables (DT) in SC.
Sometimes the process of a customer is so difficult, tha you cannot develop it in if…else construction yourself , because you will soon loose overview.

For example :

if ( BE_001() == ‘K’ AND BE_002() == ‘E’ AND BE_003() == ‘K’ AND 1==1 ) {
debugger(‘Spalte : B’, ‘Aktion: AK_000 -> JOB_Vermerk und Finanztrigger zur?cksetzen’);

if ( BE_001() == ‘K’ AND BE_002() == ‘E’ AND BE_003() == ‘K’ AND BE_020() == ‘Y’ AND 1==1 ) {
debugger(‘Spalte : C’, ‘Aktion: AK_030 -> Betrag f?r Sch?lerrate setzen’);

// Spalte D

if ( BE_001() == ‘K’ AND BE_002() == ‘E’ AND BE_003() == ‘K’ AND BE_020() == ‘N’ AND BE_030() == ‘Y’ AND 1==1 ) {
debugger(‘Spalte : D’, 'Aktion: AK_040 -> Betrag f?r Sch?lerrate auf 0 setzen ');
debugger(‘Spalte : D’, ‘Aktion: AK_044A -> Job_Vermerk -Kulanzrate - schreiben’);

No developer will be happy to develop such a code in the future …

I did the following :
I use Microsoft EXCEL with a special layout to define the process conditions and actions…
It’s easy to handle.

In this excel-sheet there is a macro and this makro will create the php-code I can easily put to SC in a function.

If condition are changing I first change the rows and columns in excel --> create with the makro the code and put this code to SC in a function ETAB…
it’s easy. If process is growing I can easily insert a new function or condition and I’m sure that the old function will work without testing again and again…

If interest is there I will do more information how to use this tool.
It’s free for everyone. I got such a lot of help in this forum from other users (THANKS A LOT) so perhaps my solution
will help other.

Look at the attachment … with an example of a complex DT and the created source code for php.

Please see attachment.
Best regards
uwe Pfeiffer (15.4 KB)

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