define a variable in session

I define a variable in session:

[variable] = {field};

global variable in application
[variable] is defined as output Session.

I understand that throughout the application I can call this variable at any time.

Well, I’m doing something wrong because it does not work me.

Can anyone give me an example of how to generate session variables and how to call them.


Assume that you have two applications.
first make sure that app2 (orders for example) have app1 ID field (customer for example),
now go to app1 Events => onload event:
[variable] = {field};
from applications go to global variable and tick (session) and the type: out
now go to app2 Events => onload event:
{field} = [variable];
go to Where Condition in SQL and put this:
field = [variable]
from applications go to global variable and tick (session) and the type: in

you are done! now you can pass the variables between tabs that contain your applications without any problem.