Definitely a WYSIWYG developing environment

For me one of the most interesting tools would be (to make Scriptcase exceed other similar RAD environments) to include a WYSIWYG developing front-end where developers could play with the different tools you include.
Is not the same adding and working Grids, Forms, Graphics, Reports trying to figure out what would be the final design than see it on the fly just clicking on Run button from the WYSIWYG tool.



I have sent your suggestion to our development team. You can send sugesstions to

Bernhard Bernsmann

Why send suggestions by email if there’s this forum? Please let users enter theire suggestions here so that everybody can take notice of them.

I agree. Posting suggestions here is great so users can share ideas.

I’m informing him that besides sending suggestions on our forum, he can contact us also by email.

Bernhard Bernsmann

Yesterday I sent two mails to .
Both returned with mailadress unknown … ??

Best regards
Uwe Pfeiffer

Mr. Pfeiffer,

That is very odd. The email does not exist, but exists and you shouldn’t receive a mail adress unknown menssage.

Please forward those suggestions to

Could you forward those error messages to me?

Bernhard Bernsmann