Deploy problem on shared hosting without domain pointed while under development

I have developed a admin site using scriptcase V9. I am trying to deploy it to my shared hosting server so the customer can use it and sign off on it.

The customer currently has a website hosted on someone elses server si I’m using the shared hosting ip address to point to the new site we are developing. Prior to the domain being pointed at our server to go live.

The temporary url to log into the admin site is…tem/app_Login/

Once the site is approved and goes live it will be

I know the deployment will work successfully once the domain is pointed but I want to be able to let the customer test before we go live.
There is a problem with the way scriptcase slices up the url to make its links for the application

This is what I found so far and I think is what’s stopping the script working
$str_path_apl_url = /

Should look like, and will look like this when the domain is pointed
$str_path_apl_url = /placesystem/app_Login/index.php

Anybody else had this problem? Is there a known fix or file I can edit to correct it temporarily?
Any help would be appreciated.

I remember a post not so long ago on FB with was a solution to a similare problem. I hope it will help you (I obfuscated the ip;-).

I think I’ve found the problem. I just have to figure out a temporary way around it.
The site does not yet have the domain name pointed at it so the url looks like
Scriptcase uses a variable $this->root and to create this they slice off the first part up to the first ‘/’ which in this case is the “http://xxx.3xx.0xx2.2x” so it’s leaving the “/” as a folder which is not one as such.
That’s why I’m getting the sliced off prod folder error
“Common libs not found: /home/sites/placerecrui/_lib/prod”
Should be

Oh well at least I’ve figured out the problem.
Thanks for your sugestions

Thanks Albert. That was my post on FB. As I said on facebook I have figured out the problem, what was causing the problem anyway. I’m now looking for a solution if anyone has any ideas.


Sorry, didn’t noticed that.