Deployed Apps Don't All Work But All OK in Dev Environment

Hello, I have four apps that I have deployed as a single project:

(a) two forms in a master-detail arrangement (linked by incidentID);
(b) two grids in a master-detail arrangement for reporting (also linked by incidentID).

A button on the master form (a) is set to open the grid (b) in search mode. When testing in dev, all works well-- I see the detail on a page 2 tab for each incident showing on the master form (a). For the grid (b), I can search for an incident number and export the incident and detail to PDF.

Deployment is typical and is successful. The default app is the form (a), which appears just fine when I go to the URL. However, when I click on the tab for page 2 detail, I get the landing page for my web hosting service (in the frame where the detail should appear). Also, on the main form when I click on the navigation buttons to advance, the record advances but the progress indicator keeps spinning (probably because it’s trying to grab the associated detail and can’t0.

The button to open the grid (b), when clicked, also displays the landing page for my web hosting service.

I have cleared the tmp folder but it made no difference.

Any help to troubleshoot this issue would be appreciated.



i found such this situation on SC but it’s solved in SC already. now i’ve never got this error.

it’s not every app i found this kind of error. probably it’s a script error or sql command is not supported.
i’m not sure.

it would be better if you provide us with the project file back up (zip file) and mysql export (*.sql). i can try it for you and trying to figure out the problem.

Hi Iwanpc, according to the version number in Help > About, I am running “7.00.0017”.

I have the two files. The Scriptcase zip file is ~54MB What is the best way to upload? To my support account?


no need to attach the whole deployment project.
it will zip all libraries. of course the size is 54 mb.

just attach the backup SC project and the mysql script (*.sql). then we can load the project and see the possible error. i’ll make a deployment and see any error messages occurred during the process.

the SC backup project will take 1-2 mb. it’s small. my 150+ apps will take around 3 mb as SC backup project.

OK, I got it. I exported the files and yes, they’re considerably smaller! four apps are less than 1MB. Thanks. I’ll upload to support area, yes?

yes :slight_smile:
you can open a ticket in support area. and also you may upload here to get more answers from members.

Thanks again, Iwan. I didn’t see a link to upload…I am sure it’s around here somewhere. :slight_smile:

try to use the attachment button in this forum.
you can compress the project backup and the *.sql into 1 zip file then upload.

i can attach my simple project for spotting the problem purpose in the forum or in a ticket support system.



How are you deploying the app on your prod environment?

Bernhard Bernsmann

Hi Iwan P-- thank you for the tips to upload attachments. Although all were under 1MB, I had to split the exported project. If you extract them all to the same folder you will have the complete project export.

Thanks again for your assistance!

Bartho- During my troubleshooting, I deployed this project by zip file which I uploaded to a site. I also uploaded directly to the site, using the FTP option. The deployed project is sitting at (for now), if you want to see what is happening. (1.54 KB) (46.7 KB) (9.9 KB) (18 KB) (81.9 KB)


From what I could see you aren’t missing anything while you are deploying.

Please contact our support regarding this issue. Our chat is active on workdays from 8:00am to 6:00pm (GMT -3), and our ticket system is always available.

Bernhard Bernsmann


From what I could see you aren’t missing anything while you are deploying.

Please contact our support regarding this issue. Our chat is active on workdays from 8:00am to 6:00pm (GMT -3), and our ticket system is always available.

Hi-- I have determined what the issue is and have resolved it. I had been using the toolbar deployment link and, even though ALL apps were open, only the selected app was deployed. When I used the depoly link at the bottom of the project home page and clicked all of the app checkboxes, everything is included in the ZIP file and the project is deployed properly. I think it might be helpful to explain in the documentation, the difference between the two methods. It was not clear to me and I thought having all of the apps open would be OK when using the toolbar. That was not the case.

Thanks again.