Deploying a Sriptcase developed Project onto a Synology Server with DSM 7.2

Has anyone done this?

Yes, and it simply works fine. Just upload using the file-share if you’re on windows.

I had hoped for the same result!
But no result thus far.
I have (of course) installed Apache2.4 and PHP 8.1 in the Synology and created a projectname within the webportal config.

I am developing with scriptcase in Windows, but am unsure if :-1:
The paths to put into the SC Deploy page to target the Synology web server
Do I use Zip and then expand it into the Synology “web\projectname” folder?
Or something else?

Would appreciate your help… thanks!

Actually I did nothing special. In stead of ftp, I used fileshare to copy the files. It takes a while, but after that it worked. Not sure what I did / do different.

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