Deployment - General question, looking for suggestions

Hi guys! Looking for some suggestions. I have a situation where I wrote a large scriptcase app (approx 309 apps in it, phew). This app is being used by several different clients. It is mandatory that each client I have has their own database and their own application folder on my server to keep them all separate. My issue is this. Let’s say I found a bug in one of the 309 applications I created. I make the change in scriptcase to fix the bug. No big deal. Now I have to send that change out to all of my clients. So I have to change the stored connection and field connection and generate and deploy the changes for each client. No big deal either. The problem is I found I can not just change the connections for the one program and deploy just that change to each client. I have to change the connection for all 309 apps and generate all of them, then I can deploy the one program that needed to be fixed. If I do not, my apps tend to look at the last connection that was used for the entire program.

Just as an example let’s say I have 3 connections, connection1, connection2, connection3. Each looks to their own database.
Connection1 was applied to all apps for testing purposes. I found an error, fixed it, and deployed the repaired app to connection1’s folder. Great, works fine.
Next I need to change the app’s connection to connection2, save, generate and deploy to connection2’s folder. When I do that and go into that folder to test my repairs I see connection1’s information. But, if I go back and change the connections on all of the apps, not just the one I fixed, generate and then deploy the fixed app, when I go to test the repair on connection2 everything is fine.

Like I said, it’s not a problem, just an annoyance when there are 9 clients and that many apps to generate each time I have to change the connection for one fix.
Maybe you guys have suggestions or know something different to only have to change the connection for the one program, maybe I’m doing it wrong? Any help or suggestions are appreciated!

For some reason I don’t understand this. The connection on the production server is not changed if you upload new applications. If you have a bug in your application then you simply generate and deploy only the changed applications. No need to do anything with your production connection what-so-ever. It’s different when you deploy from a new significant scriptcase upgrade as it might have changed the _lib. But besides that, I am missing your point. Sure you don’t have a separate similar project for each of your clients?


If you have 9 different clients with 9 different connections, copy your project to 9 different projects by client name, this way change in one only affects the one with the change. But as Albert had said only deploy changed app not whole project.

Thanks you guys for responding. As I was typing out a new explaination I think I figured out what was causing things to go haywire. When I deploy scriptcase asks what program to open with. That is set to the main menu. I think I need to change the connection for the menu and things should work out just fine. I’m going to try it and see how it goes. Thanks again for responding!