Deployment package and port

Hello everybody.
in a few days i will deploy my first SC project. I will use Windows 2008 datacenter server as a production environment. In that machine i will install: Mysql server; apache; php

My questions:

  • the tcp port will be the same of my development environment? (wich is 8081)
  • can i change it to 80 now that the project is almst finisched? How?
  • Is there any package to set all the enviroment variables in order to ease the installation in the production environment? Somethig like this package
what is its purpouse? Thanks

First of all, as soon as you create a deployment package then scriptcase is not needed any more. Instead you upload the zip file, or the unpacked files to your server, and set your environment up as you would do with any php application. By default the port will be used of your wamp package which most likely will be port 80.
You can dump the structure with/without data from scriptcase and import it using phpMyAdmin. Before setting up your application the database must be up and running.
As soon as you startup your application scriptcase will detect that you have not set up a database and you will be guided to a form to setup your connection. Before you do that be sure that the _lib directory has rw rights. After setup you can change this back to ro. (777 vs 755/644 for linux).
Now all is done and if you retype your main url your application will start up. I advise you to setup in a subdirectory and not in the root. That way you’re able to run several versions apart from each other, could be handy for testing purposes.

So the port will be the one will be set in the apache of the production server not necessarily the 8081 from the development environment. Am i understood?

Correct, it is yours to choose. However you have setup your webserver port number.

The apache in dev uses 8081 and not 80 because lot of users run sc on their web dev environent where port 80 is already in use. Also locally, if you run i.e. skype, port 80 is in use. In http.conf you can configure the port to be used. Scriptcase is a standard php application. If you have setup your apache to listen to any other port it will still work.

ok. Thanks