Deployment takes a lot of time

Whenever I am trying to deploy application on local pc, it takes around 1-2h to deploy it, and sometimes it just stucks at 99% for a few hours and then i have to reload it and wait another 2 HOURS! Is that a common thing? Why it cant be just deployed in 1 minute as all files are on my local pc and already created? Please tell me how I can reduce that AWFUL deployment time?

tip: setup a wamp/xamp server on your PC and deploy locally. Then you can test like you are in a live situation. Then use FileZilla to upload. Initially there is a lot to upload, as the library section is huge. But after the initial upload you only have to upload the changed files (until a new version of SC is released).

Hello @imri

We’ve made several improvements in the deploy feature.

Can you confirm if this issue still happen in the current version (9.10.011)?


TodauyI updated Scriptcase (9.11.014) and performed a full deploy incl the production environment.
It is running now for more than 2 hours. Still in screen is the Tar Gz message and 94% complete.
I have no idea if the process is still running or not…

Normal deployment without production environment takes 40 minutes.

Try do it incognit mode.

🚀 Scriptcase 9.12 is now available! Check out the new features here 👉🚀 Next Monday (02/24), Scriptcase 9.12 will be released! Check out the new features before anyone else 👉