Detail grid within Master form fails to auto-refresh after deployment to test

Hi - This is similar to the problem I experienced yesterday, but different. I have decided it warrants a new post rather than adding to the old one.

This is the same read-only grid that is a detail list within a master form, in it’s own block in the master form. The grid has been set-up with a refresh internal of 10 (seconds) in Grid > Settings > Refresh Interval.

Running the auto-refresh grid outside of the Master Form within the dev environment works fine - refreshes every 10 secs. Running the detail grid in the Master Form with dev environment is equally good - still refreshes. To be sure everything is working 100%, I have all the error and debug options enabled in both the Master and Detail forms (auto-fresh grid) within Application > Settings > Notification settings - all SQL looks perfect.

I then deploy the entire solution (all apps) to test environment (no changes, all error and debug options remain enabled for verification).

I run the app in test environment, the apps runs perfectly in every sense but the grid does not auto-refresh. No script errors appear, and no SQL issues appear and it all looks fine.

When the master is run, the detail grid does not seem to auto-refresh.

Any ideas? Is there anything that needs to be specially configured on the test server for auto refresh to work properly?
