Determine current word in HTML Editor and pass as Search parameter to a linked grid

Dear All,

I’d like to do the following. When a user is editing text in the HTML Editor, and his cursor is on/in a word, I would like to be able to right click or click a link button that uses that word as a search term in the linked grid. So the linked grid will then just display rows matching that word. Preferably the search would not use the quick search on the target grid, but grid as though the user used the full search setting the search field to equal and field to search as well.

Thanks for any suggestions.


That would be magic. The html editor is a 3rd party plugin and the only thing I can come up with is cut and paste. On a regular field you can set an ajax type to do a lookup, but I realy don’t know how to put that in tinyMCE.

Hi Albert,

Thank you. I’ll see if TinyMCE forum can see if there’s a way to determine the current word as they must in order to do spellcheck. Are you familiar with how I could upgrade TinyMCE in ScriptCase and also add add-ins? I’d like to add a couple add-ins they have on their site, but not sure how to do with ScriptCase.



Hi Albert,

I found this JavaScript Code on the TinyMCE forum. It will get the current TinyMCE Editor text. I don’t know how to implement in ScriptCase though. Appreciate any thoughts.



var ed = (tinymce.activeEditor || opener.tinymce.activeEditor); // get editor object

if (!ed) { // see if editor is there, bail if not
    alert ("TinyMCE Not Found");
    return false;

var text = ed.getContent(); // get editor content