DICTIONARY (no response from NM)

I have an urgent problem synchronizing existing database with the project. This happens every once a while, and I wonder if there are any specific settings, task, or precautions to look for when doing this. Seems like synchronizer doesn’t really work well with existing tables. I see it works always perfectly fine when creating dictionary for the first time, but later updates often generate errors.

Any ideas ?

ah the moment I get this error:

Invalid argument supplied for foreach() | Script: D:Program FilesNetMakev5wwwrootscriptcasedevelclasspage
mPageDataDic.class.php linha: 1141

Re: DICTIONARY (no response from NM)

Really this problem this is a bug, it has been passed on to the development department and corrected, will possibly be fixed in next release.

A palliative solution is you delete the table in the dictionary, create a new dictionary in itself.

Re: DICTIONARY (no response from NM)

OK< I understand. I hope it will be fixed ASAP. Does it mean that every change in a SQL structure requires recreating a dictionary (at the moment) ?


Re: DICTIONARY (no response from NM)

one other problem is that when runing dictionary update to App, it overrides all SELECT type fields. I have discovered this and had to change about 30 fields back to where it was. This is insane, and adds tons of extra clicks and time. This must be corrected as priority !!!
