Disable Edit when status = 1 on grid

Hello All Master

Please give me instructions how to disable the edit menu when the status in the database has become (1).
So the user can not edit transactions that already had the satus 1

Thx before

You mean an editable grid? Or do you mean the pencil containing the link to the edit form?

The pencil containing the link to the edit form. I want to disable when status=1. How to do it aducom

Look at the macro documentation for SC …

Try: sc_apl_conf("<your_app_name>", “lig_edit”, “off”);

I’ve tried using sc_apl_conf {} with a script that I put in "onapplicationinit ’

if ({Status} = 2)
sc_apl_conf (“grid_trans_zis”, “lig_edit”, “off”);

This works well, but added a button in the toolbar why hidden too

I use sc v.7.01.0021
when the script has been deleted, added button in the toolbar is not visible too

Same problem in sc8, I just want to hide the pencil.

so you only want to be able to delete? Then create a grid and apply a delete button in a column. Or use a run button.